Every process, activity or task that leads to the emission of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along with other greenhouse gases is a contributor to the rapid climate change we are currently witnessing.

One such process is the construction of any residential or commercial property that uses energy across a number of aspects, ranging from the creation of concrete to the transport of material between sites and more.

The amount of Co2 released in a particular process to generate the said energy is called its carbon footprint and the Wafflemat foundation has been proved to have a reduced carbon footprint as compared to a typical ribbed or uniform foundation.

During construction, approximately 519-639 pounds of cement per cubic yard is manufactured which is later mixed with water to create concrete. Research shows that this amount of cement production releases about 0.22 tons of CO2. Adding to it the emissions from the fuel consumed in the transport of concrete from the refinery to the plot location, containing various destinations in the way, measuring to about 34 to 35 pounds per cubic yard, gives us a total of 474-897 pounds of CO2 released per yard of concrete.

This number when applied to the construction of an average 1800 sf home takes the emission levels way too high.

But when talking about a Wafflemat foundation project, the entire forming system typically reduces the use of concrete by 5-40 yards depending on size of the interior beams utilized, which in turn reduces the CO2 emissions by almost 4.8-9.0 tons, lowered by a whopping 20%.

And as we all know, lesser the carbon footprint, lesser the effect on the environment as well as on the lives of every living being on the planet!

To learn more about the Wafflemat Foundation, please visit www.Wafflemat.com