Wafflemat cuts building cycle time in about half when compared to in-ground ribbed or spread footing foundations. That translates into not only a lot of hard dollar cost savings, but also keeps projects (and things like tenant move-ins), on time. Build with a faster turnaround time and less materials. Secure larger projects with Wafflemat Multifamily Solutions.
The Highest Quality Home Foundation Available Today.
Find out how the Wafflemat Foundation System keeps you from worrying about unnecessary damage control. By combating harmful soil expansion under the home, Wafflemat keeps your foundation free of damage for years to come.
Innovative Solutions for Multifamily Foundations
Wafflemat proudly upholds a flawless track record in foundation performance since our first multifamily installation in 1993. Since then, we have continued to develop and innovate our design to bring the safest, strongest, and longest lasting foundation available today.