Light Commercial
Reductions in soils prep, concrete, and steel mean not only significant hard dollar cost savings, but as the most proven foundation system in its class, Wafflemat also reduces the worry factor after the project is completed -- something every developer likes.
Streamline your build process. Experience quicker turnaround times with an easy-to-learn full-proof system that works the same every time. Succeed at scale with replicable systems that grow with your business. Wafflemat post tension foundation slab systems are the perfect solution for any builders who need the stiffest post tensioned foundation for light commercial builders.
The Highest Quality Home Foundation Available Today.
Find out how the Wafflemat Foundation System keeps you from worrying about unnecessary damage control. By combating harmful soil expansion under the home, Wafflemat keeps your foundation free of damage for years to come.
Light Commercial Solutions with Wafflemat
Light commercial builders choose Wafflemat for its incredible strength and stiffness. Featuring a speedy installation process with easy to use materials, this foundation system gets your crew to the next project in no time.